Congratulations! You have found the answer to

Barking, Puling, Destruction, Jumping... EVEN Fighting & Biting


You have Found the Answer to

Barking, Pulling, Jumping, Destruction, Even Biting & Fighting

The answers to your quiz suggest that

you & your dog might be a good fit

for some individual attention.

Book a time to

tell me all

about your Dog!

Your Behavioral Transformation Conversation includes:

  • Meet Joel, tell him your story &

    ask any questions

  • Behavioral Evaluation and Diagnosis

  • Roadmap for behavior change

  • BONUS:

    3 month all access pass to Digital Dog School

    ($81 value)

Only $97

Want a well behaved dog 🐶

without harsh punishments or

shipping them away Watch this Video!

Fill out the form below to

schedule your 1-on-1 today!


You have found the answer to

Barking, Pulling, Jumping, Destruction,

Even Biting & Fighting

The answers to your quiz suggest that you & your dog might be a good fit for some individual attention.

Fill out the form below to book a time to tell me all about your Dog!

Your Behavioral Transformation Conversation includes:

  • Meet Joel, tell him your story & ask any questions

  • Behavioral Evaluation & Diagnosis

  • Roadmap for behavior change


  • 3 month all access pass to

    Digital Dog School ($81 value)

Only $97

Want a well-behaved dog 🐶

without harsh punishments or shipping them off for training?

Watch this Video!

There's so much you want to say about your dog, the good, the silly, and the things you want to change. How they respond to new situations, people, treats, toys & what you have done to try to help them through this so far.

Get 50 minutes of my time to dig into life with your dog. Once you have given me the full picture,

I will return the favor!

Learn what has worked for over 1000 dogs in my hands and countless more dog/owner teams that I have coached to success in 9+ countries and 21+ States. Learn why I am often someones 2nd or 3rd trainer, but always their last!

Book Your Behavioral Transformation Conversation TODAY!

The path to your best life with your dog starts here

Your booking link and course access will be immediately emailed to you upon form submission
No products available

My dog is great but...

Other dogs were mean and now they're scared

Nothing will stop this pulling

Baths & nail trims

are a nightmare

Large Call to Action Headline

They ignore me and never come when I want them to

All the jumping & pulling

We have a big life change coming up!

"We have tried EVERYTHING!"

"Good dog training costs $1000's

how good can this be for $27/month?"

See Macy's 6 month update below!

Call 470-215-1101

