I will not stop making content for you and your dogs!

Follow me on all Socials

Lives will continue on the same schedule now on YOUTUBE

Tuesday 7:30 pm Est

Thursday 7:30 pm Est

Saturday 9:30 am Est

Don't miss any FREE training tips

Follow me on All Socials

Get your dog questions answered

& Train with me Live on TikTok

Tuesday 7:30 pm Est

Thursday 7:30 pm Est

Saturday 9:30 Am Est

StrugGling with your Dog?

If Your Dog:

Pulls, Barks, Destroys, Jumps or Even Fights & Bites

If Your Dog:

Pulls, Barks, Destroys, Jumps or Even Fights & Bites

You have found the home of training that actually works so you'll actually do it

As amazing as they are dogs are not magical creatures that just fit where you want them. They are intelligent, emotional, sentient beings &

the solutions to your issues, is treating them as such!

By Avoiding our issues while we use PLAY to build the foundations you and the dog need

We build a great relationship with a dog who is motivated & confident.

It is these foundations upon

we build understanding of what we

want to dog to do

so they they are skilled and ready to

re-address old triggers

as we grow together.

Play - Train - Live


Hey, I'm Joel!

10+ years experience with the most difficult dogs

1000+ dogs personally trained

Unique ability to help you see life from your dogs perspective & break lessons down into digestible chunks so that you can succeed

Focused on helping families keep their challenging pet dogs happy and thriving at home!

Want to tell me about your dog & find out how I can help?

  • 50 minutes of my undivided attention to tell me about your dog

  • Diagnosis and explanation of your dogs issues

  • Behavior Change Roadmap

  • Next Steps

LEarn Why our Pack Succeeds

where others fail

Choose your issue & get your free behavior guide

Stop walking:

Start succeeding

with your dog

Managing Aggression &

Dogs WHo Guard Resources

the Anxiety Puzzle: piecing together your dogs peace of mind

Dive deep on my new podcast!

Dive deep on

my new podcast!

Be your Dog's

Emotional Support Human

Dogs need stable leadership & the truth is we are often not that for them. (and by we, I mean ME TOO)

Join me, as I explore the intersection between dog and human mental health. Talking with professionals from all over both fields to truly discover that:

To empower your dog...

You first have to empower yourself

Dogs do what leads them to what they want...

Lead your dog to their best life & they will follow you everywhere!

Dogs what do leads them to what they want...

Lead your dog to their best life & they will follow you everywhere!

Toys We Use

Spring Pole Setup

Crates We Use

Equipment We Use